FR947-PMU is a device that combines the FR947 incident stabilization device and PMU
Thirty-twoanalog inputs and 16 digital inputs.
Record waveforms of current, voltage, and digital inputs.
Equipped with GPS antenna for synchronizing and sending information.
Sending information through Ethernet 10/100 BASE-TX.
Computer connection through Ethernet 100 BASE-FX and RS232.
Compliance with the international standards IEC61850 and IEC60870-5-104.
Simultaneous measurement of phasors.
Progress in management, control, and monitoring.
Accurate synchronization using 1PPS signal.
No need for PDC or a separate synchronizer.
Specification according to IEEE C37.118 standard.
Setting the number of measured phasors and the information sent (10, 12, and 50 messages per second).
RS232, TCP, UPD communication coverage.
Management, comparison, and analysis by Log PMU software.
Record and measure up to the 120th harmonic according to IEC 61000-4-7 standard.
THD and Power Quality.
IRUS Energy Co. provides SpyFR947 software and FR947 to perform the following settings and configurations.
Telecom settings
Access through username and password
Configurations related to analog inputs
Configurations related to digital channels
Device parameterization
Simultaneous display of digital inputs
Simultaneous display of analog inputs and waveforms
Simultaneous and real-time display of harmonics to the 63rd harmonic
Real-time measurement
Display and measure waveforms
Manual stimulation for CSR and DFR modes
Incident settings and their analysis
Troubleshooting system
Management of records
Offline study tool
Download device firmware
software provided by this company is for analyzing DFR and CSRs. The above
software is beneficial and valuable with the device and SpyFR947.
Each recorded DFR value sums all analog and digital inputs. The user can choose the desired color
and signal.
Filtering some screens makes the work faster and easier. The user can select only channels with
definite stimulation conditions such as edge of stimulations for voltage current.
In each analog signal, the user can use different operators for deep analysis of waveforms. With a
right click of the cursors, the user can access the RMS, RMS 50Hz, THD values, and harmonic
analysis of the waveform. Also, apart from the momentary values, the user can have the waveform
of the changes of the above values simultaneously.
To help the user with further analysis, the following tools are also available in the aforementioned
Recorded searcher
Horizontal and vertical zoom
Recorded window zoom
Overlapping waveforms for simultaneity analysis
Time cursor
Time and amplitude values
Time and amplitude values by moving the cursor on the waveform
Zero crossing operator
Search for maximum and minimum points
Symmetric tool for phase analysis
Convert the waveform file to jpg, PDF, Comtrade, etc. models
Print waveforms