Distillation is one of the most important and widely used physical separation methods.
It is based
on the distribution of components between two phases, liquid and gas. Distillation is
one of the
most common methods of separating materials from each other due to the difference in
Distillation columns in the industry are divided into two categories:
In a plate (tray) distillation column, the liquid flow moves downward
through the trays, and the
vapor flow moves upwards. The number, size, and the trays' placement depend
on the separated
solution's volatility.
In a plate (tray) distillation column, the liquid flow moves downward
through the trays, and the
vapor flow moves upwards. The number, size, and the trays' placement depend
on the separated
solution's volatility.
To maximize the separation
efficiency in each tray, the two-phase proximity time and the contact
surface should be as high as
possible .
The diameter of the column and the distance between the trays depends on the
of liquid and gas that passes through the tray each time. Each column tray
is a separation phase.
The working method of the packed columns is the same as the plate columns,
but with the
difference that there is no tray in the packed columns, but the entire
column is packed with objects
of a certain shape, size, and type, which are called packing.
Packing is divided into two categories: structured and random. In structured
packing, liquid flows
from the top, and gas flows from the bottom.
These columns have a small height, and liquid
distribution is very important because if the liquid is not distributed
properly, it will cause some
parts of the bed to remain dry and reduce the gas-liquid contact efficiency.
At the bottom of the
packing columns, a tray is designed to hold the packing bed, and a tray is
designed in the upper
part of the column to prevent the expansion of the bed.
IRUS Energy Industrial Production Company is one of the largest producers of refinery equipment and products. which has become one of the top producers in the refinery and oil and gas industry by using its engineering power.